Faction of BJT requires the "immediate arrest of former leaders of state administrations of the Donetsk, Kharkov and Lugansk regions, bringing them to account in accordance with the article 111 of the Criminal code of Ukraine and putting forward a charge in high treason".

Member of faction Valentine Zubov appealed to the speaker of Verhovna Rada of Ukraine Vladimir Litvin with request to invite general public prosecutor of Ukraine in the session hall for making report about investigations of facts concerning the threat of Ukraine integrity, which took place during presidential elections and proceeded in the south regions of Ukraine.

Zubov underlined that faction of BJT required "decisive actions directed to maintenance of public calmness and territorial integrity of the state" from the president of Ukraine, government, general public prosecutor. He marks that propagandistic and organizational actions, directed "to realization of ideas of separatism in the south regions of our state", still proceed. The deputy underlined that faction was convinced, that any political forces had no right to violate Constitution of Ukraine "and to trench upon territorial integrity of the state".

Zubov marked that he got the leaflet from Donetsk which is said about "orange revolution" in Ukraine and appeal to separation.

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