Opening perinatal centers in Ukraine has reduced infant and maternal mortality, M.D., head of the Association of Neonatologists Ukraine and head of the National Project "New Life" Tetyana Znamenska told a roundtable, ForUm correspondent reports.

"Patients are in all regions of Ukraine, and our task was to concentrate all pathology in one place," the expert explained.

According to her, this reform is successfully implemented.

As an example, Znamenska cited Kirovohrad region, which prior to the opening of the perinatal center had the highest child and maternal mortality rate in Ukraine.

"We now have the opportunity to show progress, and the first such sign is Kirovohrad, where we have reduced infant and maternal mortality rate by 2.5 times," she said.

Znamenska also stressed that today in Ukraine there are 10 perinatal centers, and 17 more will be opened.


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