More than 600 thousand cultural events are scheduled for celebration the New 2013 and Christmas in Kyiv, Sevastopol and all regions of Ukraine, first deputy culture minister Yuri Bohutsky told a briefing, the Cabinet’s press office informs.

"Events have been started to hold from December 19, they will continue until the end of the school holidays. In general, 42 thousand institutions of culture and arts, from clubs to large theaters will take part in the celebration. The events will involve about 70 thousand professional artists and about one million amateurs. The Culture Ministry will allocate more than 3 million UAH to hold the events. More than 30 millions will be allocated from the regional budgets," said Yuri Bohutsky said.

He also noted that in addition to events organized by the Ministry, the events will be also organized by schools, universities, various organizations and religious institutions.

Special attention is to be paid to the activities abroad.

"Since 2010, we have been holding the action "Saint Nicholas comes to you". This campaign has already covered more than ten countries in Europe. This year the event will take place in Spain and Portugal for children of migrant workers and the Ukrainian diaspora. More than 600 thousand UAH will be spent," Bohutsky said.

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