Polish Foreign Ministry does not see any threats to the final of Euro-2012 tournament, according to the under-secretary of state Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz.

"I want to underline that we do not see any threats, but anyway we take the lead and present Polish position in all European states," she said.

According to the official, Polish diplomats also work on the case of former Ukraine's PM Yulia Tymoshenko and the situation around her, which caused boycotting of Euro-2012 in Ukraine by some politicians.

Sport and tourism minister of Poland Anna Mucha also assured that the championship would take place as planned. "Holding matches in other cities, or even in another country, not Ukraine, has not been even taken into account. It will never happen, so there is no point to discuss it," the minister said.

Mucha expressed regret that Euro-2012 has become a subject for arguments among Polish politicians, adding that "the championship is the biggest chance to promote Poland."

"It would be really said if we kill this chance with our own hands," she summed up.

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