The government intends to increase manyfold the penalties for employers, who avoid employing workers with limited capacities, Justice Minister Oleksandr Lavrynovych declared.

"Today for the majority of employers it is more advantageous to pay current fines and to avoid fulfilling legislation norms on obligatory creation of no less than 4% of workplaces for people with limited capacities than to create such places," Lavrynovych told Tonis TV channel.

According to the Minister, in the nearest future the government intends to increase manyfold the fines for nonobservance of this norm. He also mentioned the government would work out some other methods to provide observation of the law "On social protection of handicapped in Ukraine."

At the same time Lavrynovych noted that only forced methods would not solve the problem of public attitude towards incapacitated people. "First of all it concerns the public moral. Do we really need a law to make a healthy person help a cripple to climb stairs? 

According to him, Ukrainian employers should think not about how much they are going to lose employing such a person, but how much they are going to gain in terms of spirituality and morality.

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