The Ministry of education and science of Ukraine will apply to the General Prosecutor’s Office if the chancellor of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy ignores new rules of entry to high educational institutions.

According to Minister of education and science Ivan Vakarchuk, he applied to the chancellor of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy with a request to allow the university-entrants make entrance examination in the language they had learnt at school, as Korrespondent reports.

“If the university-entrant was learning German, French or Spanish at school, he can’t enter the academy because there is a barrier – English on the entrance examinations. It contradicts to the Constitution and equal rights to all university-entrants,” said the Minister, according to the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

Vakarchuk also mentioned that all university-entrants, whose rights were violated during the entrance campaign, have the right and obligation to apply to court.

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