The General Office of Public Prosecutor of Ukraine has removed Andrey Fedur, Kolesnikov's attorney, from the Gongadze's case. He was attorney of Gongadze's mother – Lesya. The press service of Prosecutor reported.  

The Prosecutor's representative states that according to article 61of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the person is prohibited to represent somebody’s interests in the court if he is incriminated a crime.

The criminal case was instituted against Fedur as if he has disclosed confidential information concerning the bank accounts of Penchuks.

The press service surmises that resolution on Fedur's dismissal might be passed by Roman Shubin, the investigator of the operative group of Gongadze's case.

Commenting on the resolution, Fedur called it "predictable one." He pledged to make a press conference in the nearest time.

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