Opposition MPs, members of the parliamentary special commission on development of new electoral legislation, have three packages of propositions, the commission head, Our Ukraine MP Ruslan Kniazevich declared.

According to him, the first package concerns political aspects of the document.

"We agree to consider the draft bill on mixed electoral under the condition of changing the proportion: we suggest electing 300 MPs on proportional system and 150 deputies on majoritarian system," Kniazevich said.

In addition, the opposition demands to provide participation of party blocs and to set even passing barrier for political parties and blocs. "We are ready to start the discussion on lowering the barrier, starting with 1%," Kniazevich underlined.

The second package of propositions concerns the democratic character of the elections, according to the MP. Foreign electoral districts must be formed exclusively under foreign diplomatic institutions and military formations.

In addition, the opposition insists on the following norms: mistakes and errors must be entitled to correction and should not be a ground for registration refusal; to set requirements to voting bulletins' protection; decisions to allow home voting must be taken only on the ground of an application and medical certificate; to allow court appeal and annulment of results in single-mandate constituencies.

The third packages concerns preservation of a number of norm, already existing in the current legislation. In particular, Kniazevich pointed out the norms on decision making by majority votes of an electoral commission and composition of district commissions, which includes one representative from each parliamentary faction.

Knizavich paid special attention to the norm, according to which there must not be any possibility to unregister a candidate, unless he or she does not meet the requirements set by the Constitution.

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