In his today`s interview for regional printed media President Yushchenko made comments on the situation in the Verkhovna Rada and its possible further development, according to the President`s press-office.

“In my opinion the breakdown of the coalition happened because word “democratic” in its name has been abused with nothing done to make it really democratic in essence and spirit," said Victor Yushchenko.

He also repeated that the new coalition`s name or configuration is not important. It is crucial however that it is based on such values and principles as readiness to take actions and bare responsibility for these actions. National interest should be observed as well and it is important to prevent reversing of country`s progress in some questions just to get power and portfolios.

Speaking about ByuT, Party of Regions and communists conducting talks on forming a coalition President stressed doubts that Ukrainian society would accept such a configuration. “This coalition did not appear yet not because ByuT does not want it," he said explaining that informing publicity about establishment of such a coalition would be dangerous for the political forces because their voters` reaction could be harsh.

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