People’s deputies of Verkhovna Rada refused to support deputy’s inquiry concerning administration of security guarantees to "native of Cherkasskaya region" Vladimir Resun (also known under a pen-name Victor Suvorov).

Only 118 deputies, in the view of 150 necessary voices, voted for this suggestion, "Tribune" reported.

Vladimir Resun was born in 1947. He graduated Kalininsky Suvorov’s military college and Kiev troop commanding college. Later, after staff level service and completing studies at the Diplomatic Military Academy in 1974, he served as a Soviet military intelligence GRU officer, working for four years in Geneva under diplomatic cover.
In 1978 Resun fled to Great Britain and was granted political asylum. In USSR he was sentence in his absence to be shot.

Vladimir Resun is an author of the bestsellers "Ledokol (Ice-boat)", "Aquarium" and also many books about history of WWII.

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