Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said he will not trade country in talks with Russia on revision of gas contract. He stated this in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels.

According to the President, the issue of gas prices complicates the relations between the states.

"We do not have arguments or issues which we could take as a basis of the negotiations and reach a positive solution. Proposals, which were given to us, are uncomfortable, even humiliating. We won’t agree. We cannot trade the country - this is our principle," Yanukovych said.

In addition, he noted that the gas contract with Russia complicates fight of Ukraine against the economic crisis.

"In those days, when the whole world is in an economic crisis - and Ukraine, like other countries, is in the same difficult position - the fight against the economic crisis is more difficult for us in connection with this shameful contract signed in 2009,”  the President said.

Yanukovych noted that he considers the gas contract unfair.

The President reminded that Ukraine pays for gas $130-150 more than the rest of the world. "If to take into account transportation, 60-70 dollars are added," he said.

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