Head of the EU representative office in Ukraine Jose Manuel Pintu Teixeira notes importance of keeping the status of gas transit country by Ukraine, he said during a lecture in the national university 'Kyiv-Mohylianska academy'.

Commenting on EU possible interference into gas talks between Ukraine and Russia, Teixeira said the EU does not see its role in this matter. "It depends on Ukraine whether it keeps the status of gas transit country. If not, we will consider possibilities of "North stream" and South stream", he said mentioning that transit of the Russian gas via territory of Ukraine is the cheapest way of supply.

Teixeira also pointed out a possibility for Ukraine to obtain gas independence in case of extraction of its own gas. "I think Ukraine could increase the amount of extraction of its own gas in order to reduce dependence on Russia," he said.

The EU representative also assumed a possibility of Ukrainian gas supply to EU depending on the present reserves.

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