The political council of the Party of Regions took a decision to stop negotiations with other VRU factions concerning coalition formation for some period of time

The head of the PR's faction Oleksandr Yefremov told journalists in the parliament.

According to him, there will be no negotiations "until representatives of the orange coalition clarify configuration".

In connection with the withdrawal from the negotiation process on coalition formation the Party of Regions wants "to hear the opposite side and what they agreed about."

"Everywhere they make statements on that they are holding talks in he format of three factions. We'd like to get official results of these talks, and then we will determine our position," he said.

According to him, all this time "the talks were at the level of factions' representatives, there were meetings between faction leaders, meetings between the leaders of the political forces."

"We are ready to resume the negotiations if we get official and concrete propositions," Yefremov said.

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