The Parliament's support of Yuri Yekhanurov's candidature for Prime Minister is an important step toward the stabilization of the political situation in Ukraine and settlement of a series of urgent issues of the state's social - economic life. In such a way acting First Vice Prime Minister Anatoliy Kinakh commented on the Thursday voting in the Parliament, the acting First Vice Premier's press service informed.
According to Mr Kinakh, presently, the Government is faced an important task to secure the vitality of the country, while implementing a pragmatic and constructive course of the economy's development.
The Our Ukraine faction hails the appointment of Yury Yekhanurov Ukraine's Prime Minister and sounds sure that it will stabilize the social - economic situation in Ukraine, faction leader, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Party "People's Union - Our Ukraine" Nickolay Martynenko told journalists Thursday.
"The convincing voting in the Verkhovna Rada proved that the national interests and common sense outweighed political intrigues, populism and unhealthy ambitions. We are confident that the Government of Yuriy Yekhanurov in close cooperation with the Our Ukraine and other constructive forces of the Parliament are able to overcome crisis trends, caused by the activity of the previous government. What Ukraine needs today is not political intrigues, but concrete coordinated actions", Martynenko noted.

According to Verkhovna Rada Speaker Vladimir Litvin, the Parliament, having backed the candidature of Yury Yekhanurov for Prime Minister in repeated voting, put an end to any scenario, even hypothetical, of slackening Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada added stability to the political processes in Ukraine, Vladimir Litvin noted.

As Litvin believes, the Wednesday meeting between the President and leaders of the parliamentary factions promoted the Thursday positive voting. Though the dialogue was a bit late, but "it was a sincere and objective talk, which allowed to reach consolidation".

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