Neil Bush, younger brother of George Bush, arrived in Kiev yesterday. His plane landed in Borispol airport.

He is not a politician; however, his actions are always coordinated by the White House and the Congress.

Neil's visit demonstrates the serious attention of the US administration to the events in Ukraine.

Some experts reckon Neil Bush to be far from decisive role in the White House. However, every American knows about "family values" of the Bushes. They say that the present president, George Bush, was not involved in politics and did not influence on his father’s decision for 40 years.

The formal reason of the visit is the activity of the innovation corporation headed by Neil Bush. His company is the expert of the new methods of the distant education.

The plans of the company include large investments in creation of the educational centers for hi-tech specialists in Ukraine. The participation of Ukrainian scientists in researching of educational programs will be planned as well. The charitable and enlightened aspect is implied in such activity. That will help to establish close relations between Bush's brother and the first lady of Ukraine who leads the Charitable Fund "Ukraine-3000." In the future it will contribute the relationship between Neil Bush and the first authorities of Ukraine.

Ed Fraser, the representative of Trinity Capital Company, accompanies Neil Bush in this trip. He reported that Neil Bush would go to Crimea where he would be expected to meet Crimean premier, Anatoly Matveenko. After the meeting, Neil Bush will depart to Georgia and meet Georgian authorities, including the president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili.

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