Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov called on Cabinet members, heads of departments and local authorities to keep a constant dialogue with society. Opening the session of the Cabinet he drew attention to journalists' complaints on that it is impossible to have interviews with certain ministers.

"This is unacceptable. I demand from all members of the government to find time, to hold regular press conferences and meetings with representatives of the media," Azarov said, ForUm correspondent reports.

The Head of Government called on officials to promptly respond to criticism and to pay attention to positive developments. "Lack of information results in misunderstanding and disorienting. It's not that bad as someone wants to depict. Without positive thinking the development of the country is impossible," Azarov said.

The Premier called on officials to explain reforms to the public. "I order to accompany every draft bill with explanatory note and strong argumentations on why the society needs this or that reform," he said.

The PM once again complained that the society does not understand the very core and consequences of reforms. "Even the word 'reform' is suspicious for people," he noted.

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