The Social Policy Ministry will make a "black list" of children's health institutions, social policy minister of Ukraine Natalia Korolevska said, answering the question of ForUm correspondent about the situation in the children's camp "Orion" in Zaporizhzhya region.

In particular, she stressed that, despite the fact that the improvement of children’s health in Ukraine runs according to schedule, many problems have recently arisen. "We planned to improve the health of three million children. As of today, more than two million children already visited the health institutions," she said.

"As for the Orion children's camp, this institution won the tender and received a government order, continuing to sell tours under the commercial price. When we found out the conditions under which children rest, we resettled them to camps of better conditions," Korolevska noted.

Moreover, she specified that "at the end of the summer season, we will analyze the course of health improvement of children and make a "black list" of children's health institutions and camps that will not receive any government orders or permits for a private practice next year," the minister said.

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