The authorities of the capital city are to enhance the cooperation with the representatives of the healthcare organizations. Meeting the representatives of the Healthy Kiev NGO, the chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Oleksandr Popov called on the creation of the high quality, new, efficient management model in which the participation of the healthcare NGOs representatives would be required.

"I am sure that to achieve positive changes in the medical field, the authorities need to work closer with the health care institutions. The direct participation of NGOs will promote making effective decisions," Oleksandr Popov said.

In his view, the public initiatives are to become the main tool of the field development. "Practicing physicians know better the real situation in the healthcare field, of course. We must and will use their knowledge and expertise to improve healthcare, to solve issues of concern to both patients and physicians, said the chairman of Kyiv administration. - The initiative to establish the Healthy Kiev NGO proves that medical professionals are ready for a dialogue and strive for improving the situation in the field."

At the same time Oleksandr Popov entrusted the present at the meeting the head of Healthcare Administration Vitaliy Mokhorev with developing effective healthcare management model along with the health workers.

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