The government will not reach any compromise with the Party of Regions in the question of increasing the living wage, the minimum wage, and pensions, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has said. "We'll never support such a destabilizing policy by the Party of Regions," she said in Kirovohrad on Friday, according to UkrInform.

She said that she would like to increase the living wage for citizens, but added that it was currently impossible to do that. Tymoshenko said that amid the financial crisis, it was very important to pay pensions and wages on time. She said that wages had been cut by 30-40% and many people had been dismissed at enterprises being controlled by Party of Regions MPs.

Tymoshenko recalled that Party of Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych had decreased the living wage during his premiership.

She also said that UAH 37 billion (UAH 7.63 / USD 1) would be required to increase the living wage, the minimum wage, and pensions in Ukraine.

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