Ten boats of the political organization of Ukraine named “Fraternity” have blocked Monday morning the Odesa port exit, where the foreign ships are moored, in order not to let them take part in the NATO military manoeuvres “Sea-Breeze 2008.”

The press office of the organization informs that three boats have been already taken under the control of NATO militaries, while the rest keep blocking the port.

NATO military manoeuvres in Odesa are followed by numerous protest actions held by locals.

As a reminder, the ceremony of opening of bilateral Ukrainian-American military manoeuvres "Sea Breeze - 2008" took place in Odesa July 14.

According to the press service of the Defense Ministry, the main purpose of the current manoeuvres "Sea Breeze - 2008" is to train actions of multinational staffs and forces during the planning and holding of the peacemaking operation within NATO standards.

The militaries from 17 countries, including Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Great Britain, Armenia, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Canada, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine, France and Germany, are participating in the manoeuvres.

The "Sea Breeze - 2008" manoeuvres will be held until July 28.

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