President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko criticizes General Office of Public Prosecutor for unprofessional investigation of his poisoning in autumn 2004.

“I think that professional prosecutor could give an answer as regards my poisoning,” the President said in an interview to Russian Mass Medias.

“The investigation had success, but now, to my opinion, it is not carried out in proper way. My estimation concerns, in particular, the investigation of Gongadze case and the case of transit server,” Yushchenko added.

“The formula of the poison and its biological presentations has been established. It gives a possibility to trace the way of preparation of food I was given. The poison is produced in three laboratories of the world only and is not produced in Ukraine,” the President underlined.

“I remember every day spent in reanimation and I am proud of that I survived. I am happy that prays of millions of people all over Ukraine saved me,” Yushchenko said.

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