Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Vilkul states that all the necessary resources for flood control are on constant duty. He said in the broadcast channel "Ukraine" on March 31.

"42 thousand people, more than 5 thousand vehicles, about one thousand pieces of equipment to cross water obstacles, 22 aircrafts and 90 pyrotechnic teams are on duty," he said on air of the Ukraina TV Channel on March 31.

Vilkul added that intensive melting of snow is expected in Kyiv on Tuesday-Wednesday.

"One emergency situation is followed by another one, related to floods," he said.

"A warm spell in the western and the northern regions of Ukraine is expected by the end of the coming week. In Kyiv, sharp rise in temperature up to +13 and, as a consequence, intensive melting of snow is expected on Tuesday-Wednesday," the vice Prime Minister said.

Answering a question about the need to restore the Emergency Ministry of Ukraine, as now the chief lifeguard of the country is the vice-premier, who faces other problems as well, Vilkul said: "I am not the chief lifeguard of Ukraine. The real team works, including me as vice Prime Minister, head of the Emergency Service Mykhailo Bolotskikh, ministers for defense, healthcare, energy and coal industry, utilities.

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