Justice Ministry and Healthcare Ministry have issued a joint decree on the coordination procedure of the State Penal Execution Service of Ukraine together with healthcare institutions to improve medical services for the convicted, ForUm learned from the Justice Ministry press office.

“All individuals, arriving to the Department of the Execution of Punishments subject to the State Penal Execution Service of Ukraine will undergo primary medical examination including photofluorography,” the report says.

According to the decree "the convicted person now has the right to choose a medical specialist, and to do so, the convict should consult a doctor of the medical unit for admission of the specialist elected. In such cases all expenses are to be paid by the convicted person or his relatives. Moreover, information on health condition and medical treatment must be confidential.

In addition, consultations, examination and treatment by a selected medical specialist should be performed (if possible) in the medical unit of the penal department in the presence of the personnel of the medical unit. In other cases, the medical examination of the convicted person and establishment of the diagnosis should be carried out by a doctor of the medical unit of the corresponding department.

As reported, on March 1 the inmates of the pre-trial detention center were allowed to choose medical specialists and enjoy the services of medical emergencies.

On May 17 the parliament of Ukraine did not allow detainees to freely choose a medical specialist, failing to adopt the draft Law "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (concerning constitutional rights of arrested individuals to medical care and religion) (№ 9206) in the first reading.

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