President Viktor Yanukovych stands for the popular election of the President of Ukraine, he told Ukrainian journalists in Davos.

At the same time, the President stressed, the Constitution of Ukraine needs to be improved, and this work will conducted by the Constitutional Assembly. "The Constitution has many parts that need to be improved. It concerns judicial reform, and balancing relations between the branches of government," he said.

The President stressed that the work will involve specialists and experts of different levels. "Our goal is to complete the process coherently at a high level of understanding of the politicians and and society. We hope this process will consolidate people and viewpoints," he said.

Of course, Viktor Yanukovych said, all the decisions regarding changes to the Basic Law will be made transparently. "The decisions will be prepared by the Constitutional Assembly, will be transparent, and be prepared with the participation of all members of the Constitutional Assembly representing all parts of the civil society in our country," he said.

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