The reforms started in Ukraine are aimed not at a temporary effect, but at a deep modernization of the country, President Viktor Yanukovych said at a meeting with candidates for district state administration chairmen. 

President of Ukraine stressed reforming the country requires professionalism, systematic approach, and cannot happen instantly. "Quick positive results will not happen – as a rule, reforms are beginning to ‘work’ over time," Viktor Yanukovych said. 

There is administrative reform, local government reform, regulatory reform going on in Ukraine, he said. 

“We have in front of us such painful reforms as the pension, land, healthcare, education and housing. All these reforms need time and careful, balanced approach," he said, addressing the audience. 

The President said that all the reforms that are to cover 21 areas by the end of the year are closely tied to each other. Thus "most of them will work only if we approach them systematically and comprehensively."

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