People’s deputy of the fifth convocation, member of the BYuT faction, Andriy Shkil considers that if signing of the Universal pact of national unity lead to the wide coalition formation, the BYuT will participate neither in the development, nor in the signing of such document. He told ForUm’s correspondent.

The People’s deputy notes that earlier signed Universal pact was the precursor of the wide coalition formation. He emphasizes that new Universal pact will be significant only if it becomes an agreement between the government and the opposition in order the opposition to stop antistate actions.

“Now these are only theoretical talks, nobody has seen these documents. I think that such talks should be held after the coalition formation. If the agreement between the opposition and the government takes place, then first of all it must be decided who is who,” the People’s deputy said.

Shkil has emphasized that the signing of new Universal pact may take place, but this document must not lead to the wide coalition formation.

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