The process of Ukraine’s accession to the WTO can be completed in autumn 2008 under favourable conditions. Volodymyr Baluta the official representative of Ukraine under headquarters of the WTO said.

“In June 2008 Ukraine can complete the process of accession to the WTO. If in early autumn 2008 General Council of the WTO ratifies agreement on Ukraine’s accession to the WTO, then in 30 days Ukraine will be a WTO member,” Baluta said.

The process of Ukraine’s accession to the WTO lasts since 1993. All members of Ukraine, except Russian and Belarus are members of the WTO.

In February 2008 the session of the working group must take place. In case Ukraine agrees issues on goods tariffs, access to goods and services market with the WTO, then final draft report concerning tariffs liabilities will be ready by the end of April 2008.

As a reminder, Economy Ministry of Ukraine predicts Ukraine’s accession to the WTO by the end of 2008.

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