Mykola Tomenko, the Chairman of the VR Committee on Family, Youth Policy, Sport and Tourism, proposes to prohibit low alcohol drinks during the holidays and public events for the sake of healthy and civilised nation. The corresponding draft introducing changes in the Act of Ukraine on the State Regulations of Alcohol and Tobacco Production and Rotation has been already completed for registration in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The authors of the draft are MPs Mykola Tomenko and Lyubov Stasiv.

The situation with low alcohol and tobacco is worsened by the lack of legislative regulations which caused active ad campaign and sale without any restrictions. “It represents a danger to a society especially during the football matches, public events and shows,” stressed Tomenko.

The draft is aimed at a prohibition of sale low alcohol drinks and tobacco to persons under 18 and in the territory of educational institutions, sport and health establishments.

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