Toys with fascist symbolism are sold in shops in the center of Sevastopol. Representatives of Jewish organizations express a protest on this occasion.

There are two shops in the center of Sevastopol, where the models of military technique of Second World War with drawn fascist swastika are for sale. Toys are very popularity not only among collectors but also among teenagers. However, buyers of airplanes with symbolism of Luftwaffe see nothing dishonourable in this fact.

Meantime, appearance of toys with swastika causes watchfulness at representatives of Jewish organizations of the city, the head of the museum program "Jewries in Sevastopol" Boris Gelman reported.

"It is not that sign which is possible to be indifferent to, without non-acceptance. We won over an army, but did not win over fascism finally. And the corns of it germinate both in one or elsewhere. On the Jewish cemetery three monuments were covered with drawings of swastika with a sap-green in Sevastopol in 1995. Then swastika appeared on the monument to the victims of Holocaust.

I know that swastika is an ancient sign. But fascists appropriated it for themselves and the gold marks of Nazi party represented swastika. This was Nazi pride, so this sign needs to be understood in the context of that history which is near to us now", - Gelman says.

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