Currently, there is no need to introduce quarantine in Kyiv schools and kindergartens, as 94% of pupils attend schools after the winter holidays, director of the education and science, youth and sports KSCA department Oksana Dobrovolska said during the extended meeting of the Kyiv City State Administration, ForUm correspondent reports.

Official informed that attendance of Kyiv schools and kindergartens is daily monitored and to date 7.4% of pupils in schools and 15% children in kindergartens are absent due to illness. That is, epidemic threshold is not exceeded.

In addition, Dobrovolska stressed that all children's institutions are ready for increase in seasonal incidence of influenza and ARVI.

"Children in kindergartens undergo systematic medical examination," Dobrovolska said.

"The children’s diet has been amended: the menu should include citrus fruit, onions and garlic. Kindergartens are also recommended to purchase the Revit drug," director of the education and science, youth and sports KSCA department summed up.

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