During the meeting on the implementation of the Drinking Water of Ukraine state program, the PM Mykola Azarov said that the program adopted in 2004 and designed to provide cities and villages with water supply is under control now, ForUm correspondent reports.

"The well-known events of late 2004, 2006-2007 prevented from implementation of the Drinking Water program and it funding in particular. Not a single object was built," Azarov said.

However, he said that the functioning government came back to this issue.

"We came back to the program and for the last two years more than 250 objects (water towers, pumping stations) were renovated. And the opposition, which now criticizes us, begins to talk about some of their gigantic plans. Just ask them why they did not do what people needed, why they did not implement any water supply project," the Prime Minister asked rhetorically.

He also emphasized the ambitious task entrusted to the Regional Development Ministry and the Environment Ministry – the implementation of the Drinking Water program.

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