In the interview to the Rada TV channel on Friday, speaker of Ukraine Volodymyr Lytvyn said that he is against exploiting sensitive issues on the eve of the election campaign, ForUm learned from the parliamentary press office.   

"Ukraine has a language issue related to the narrowing of the Ukrainian language use," he said, adding that the Russian language prevails in the printed media and books. Lytvyn stressed that although every person enjoys a full right to use their native language, the Ukrainian language shall be a state one in Ukraine.

"This topic is really sensitive, so when there are some economic problems, they try to sidetrack attention from them and draw it to the humanitarian issues," Lytvyn claimed. He said that the language is a sensitive topic of national significance which should be handled by the experts "who are aware of the impact of this or that move." "Unfortunately, everyone becomes an expert on the eve of elections," the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine noted. "The struggle for the voters, the attempts to divide the country, and exploitation of sensitive issues is a politically wrong, adventurous, and even immoral way." "We should let people live and breathe," he said.

Lytvyn also said that there were no confrontations over languages in Ukraine before 2004. "Everything was natural: language is a spring that will always carve its way. Then this topic was heavily exploited and that´s what we have now."  

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