Treasure hunters raided a communal grave of Crimeans and Jews, killed by Nazi during the WWII.

A representative of the Jewish charity center "Hesed Shimon" in Simferopol told the police that representatives of Jewish organizations discovered fresh earth fills with scattered human remains on the 10th kilometer of "Simferopol-Feodosia" highway.

"Judging from the soil condition, we assumed that digging was held for several months. We called the police and Security Service. In the course of investigation the police discovered a hidden pit, three meters deep and with branchy net of horizontal tunnels of one meter high, at the bottom of which there were numerous human remains," the statement of Jewish organizations says.

The press office of the Crimean department of the Interior Ministry confirmed that fact of excavation of the communal grave, but refused to comment on whether it was work of "black" archeologists.

"The investigation is underway, and it will establish all circumstances," head of the press office Olga Kondrashova stated.

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