Ukraine plans to sign contracts on reverse supplies of 7 billion cubic meters of gas from Germany through Hungary and Slovakia in 2013, deputy chairman of the Naftogaz of Ukraine Vadym Chuprun said at the annual Adam Smith Institute conference “Ukrainian Energy Forum” in Kyiv.

According to Chuprun, the framework agreement with the RWE German electric utilities companyprovides for annual supply of 10 billion cubic meters to Ukraine. The contract for the current year provides for up to 5 billion cubic meters with the possibility to increase the volume.

Chuprun noted that currently reverse gas supplies are made exclusively through Poland in the amount of 1.8 million cubic meters per day.

As reported, due to reluctance of Russia to revise gas contract prices, Ukraine has declared the intention to diversify its energy supplies and to increase domestic production. The baseline scenario of the updated Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 suggests an increase in annual domestic gas production in this year to 44.4 billion cubic meters and the reduction of its import up to 5 billion cubic meters.

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