None of Visegrad Group presidents is in favour of boycotting Euro 2012 football matches in Ukraine, President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski said after Sunday's talks held with the Czech and Slovak presidents in Slovak.

Speaking at a joint press conference of the three presidents after the talks, Komorowski stressed that to his great satisfaction none of the participants of the meeting was in favour of boycotting matches to be played in Ukraine during Euro 2012 football championships, even though they differed on attending the Summit of East-Central European leaders on to be held in Yalta on May 11-12, according to PAP.

President of Poland confirmed he would attend the meeting and said that during a visit to Yalta, he will appeal to the Ukrainian authorities to amend the laws so as not to punish politicians by imprisonment for wrong decisions. "If the summit is held in Yalta, I intend to apply to the Ukrainian authorities and all political forces, including with the group, headed by Yulia Tymoshenko, calling for the elimination of the source of current problems and a bad image of Ukraine in Europe, which is the possibility of imprisonment for wrong and perhaps even harmful decisions of a political nature," the Polish president emphasized.

President of Slovakia Ivan Gaszparovicz declared he would appear at the summit if it went through, while President of Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus said he would miss the event.

Klaus said he respected the position of his two interlocutors and pointed to the fact that unlike Poland and Slovakia, the Czech Republic did not border with Ukraine and therefore had somewhat different interests in relations with that country.

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