Defense attorney Yuriy Sukhov has asked the court to acquit Yulia Tymoshenko and release her from jail.

“Yulia Tymoshenko’s actions did not constitute a criminal offense, and so there must be an acquittal in this case. Given all that I have presented, I ask the court to acquit Yulia Tymoshenko and release her from custody,” Yuriy Sukhov said in court today.

The lawyer said that the prosecution did not clearly formulate the nature of the charges, element and event of crime. Moreover, there are confusions and gaps in time in the indictment.

Yuriy Sukhov added that the indictment doesn’t clearly define the time of the “abuse of authority” and “abuse of official powers” and does not establish a causal connection between the directives issued by the ex-premier for talks between Naftohaz and Gazprom and the signing of the contracts.

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