The submission on recognition of the third President’s Decree on the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine discharge as unconstitutional was brought to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Andriy Stryjak stated at a press conference on Thursday, the ForUm’s correspondent reports

“Now this decree is being previously examined,” he said.

According to Stryjak, this submission was not even transmitted to the panel of the CCU judges, which usually decided whether recommend the Court to start production or not.

Besides, as the chairman of the CCU said, the production of the first two President’s decrees was stopped. “On May 21 the CCU took the decision to stop production of the first President’s Decree on the early VRU discharge because of the new President’s decree from April 26, which had stopped the action of the first. And the court can only examine the acting documents,” he noted.

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