Ukraine does not pose a migration risk for any of the countries of the European Union, deputy foreign minister of Ukraine Andriy Olefirov told press conference "Ukraine - EU: towards a common future".

He recalled that the readmission agreement, signed with the European Union, obliges Ukraine to return its own illegal migrants and those, who enter the EU via Ukraine.

"At the stage of the agreement completion, the EU did not have confidence that the Ukrainians would not become potential illegal migrants in the EU. What do we have now? Each year, Ukraine, in accordance with the contract, receives not hundreds of thousands, not thousands, but hundreds of foreign citizens," Olefirov said, adding that out of this amount, only one-two persons are citizens of Ukraine.

He informed that on May 15 Brussels will host meeting of the Ukraine - EU joint readmission committee.

The European party noted that it did not want to hold the committee meeting because there are no problems with the implementation of the agreement by Ukraine. "This means that Ukraine does not pose a migratory risk for any of the EU countries," Olefirov said.

According to him, if there was such a risk, each EU member state would have the right to hold the readmission committee meeting to discuss disadvantages of the implementation of the agreement.

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