If earlier state registration of the construction project took 290-300 days (excluding land issues), now term for objects of 4-5 grade takes 1-64 days thanks to deregulation, regional development, construction and housing minister Hennady Temnyk told a conference, ForUm correspondent reports.

Official said that if in 2011, 46 thousand building permits was issued, than in 2012, already 109 thousand, including 108 thousand objects of 1-3 category declaratively.

He added that it is planned to change the state construction code by the end of this year. "Now we have 222 state construction codes since the Soviet Union. They should be fully updated, including in terms of harmonization with the European standards, before the end of the year. In addition, it is planned to reduce the number of codes, transferring them into national standards," minister noted.

Temnyk added that he feels enthusiastic about criticism, as it helps to understand the flaws. "Personally I am very busy and it's great that the industry has a feedback, enabling better work on issues in an atmosphere of constructive dialogue," the official said.

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