After upgrading the gas transportation system, Ukraine can offer its underground gas storages as the foundation for the new stock market, President Viktor Yanukovych said during a press conference in the Ukrainian House, ForUm correspondent reports. 

The President noted that the issue of work of the gas storages is being solved. The method of gas stock exchange is likely to be used.

" This will be a kind of a spot market in Eastern Europe. Not only states and large enterprises will be able to purchase gas from those storages, which have long-term contracts with gas suppliers, but also small enterprises,” Yanukovych said.

Yanukovych stressed that the possibility of liberalization of gas market arose long ago, and now Ukraine considers its monopolization.

"The government should take care of the population and provide it with gas. The large industrial plants may buy gas where they can. We need to diversify markets for that. We have been working on this issue for many years," the President said.


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