Almost a quarter of Ukrainians are not "against" renaming the militia into the police, the Interior Ministry of Ukraine spokesman Volodymyr Polishchuk told a press conference "What will change the renaming of the militia into the police?", ForUm correspondent reports.

He said that earlier this year, at the instruction of the Interior Ministry, a survey was conducted which showed that 20% of respondents support the renaming of the Interior Ministry. If the decision on renaming is accepted, then this process will take place in the complex overall reform of the Interior Ministry.

Polishchuk said that "the militia - means "armed people" and this name does not coincide with the nature and activities of the Interior Ministry".

In turn, major general of militia, head of the Center for Road Safety and Automated Systems of the Interior Ministry Serhiy Budnik said that renaming is not the most important reform to be conducted in the Interior Ministry. The main is the reforming goals and tasks of the militia.
At the same time, the experts do not fully share the view of the need for renaming the militia into the police.

In particular, the automotive expert and the former police officer Oleksiy Mochanov noted that with the image point of view, the militia should be renamed as this name remained only in Transnistria, Belarus and three Central Asian countries.

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