At least in the next five-seven years to come Ukraine does not face armed aggression, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Kluyev said at the parliamentary hearings, ForUm correspondent reports.

"There is still time to carry out reforms and to improve defense potential of Ukrainian army," he said and added that the main reforms will concern the number and organization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, release of unexpended balances and outlying functions.

Military units must be equipped with new weapons and machinery. State social guarantees for military personnel must be increased. And this will be done within the first state of reformation, the official said.

At the second state of reformation it is planned to reach proper level of response to the threat of near-border armed conflict. "It is planned to continue development of fighting capacity of Ukrainain Armed Forces," Kluyev said and added that the reformation will also concern the domestic defense industry complex.

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