The government of Ukraine plans to introduce new vouchers with means for education to get new profession or to improve qualification, vice PM and minister for social poicy Serhiy Tihipko declared.

"With age many people become uncompetitive. While abroad people study continuously, Ukraine does not have such education system. That's why we will give special vouchers to people over 45 and with 15 years of working experience. In such a way people will get 11 thousand 630 hryvnias and with this voucher will have an opportunity to get a new profession," Tihipko explained.

According to the official, this money is not enough for the second higher education, but if a person invests several thousands he will be able to study in a higher education institution. If this person does not have a desire or a possibility, with this money he can simply improve his qualification.

"We give people a possibility to study and be more competitive at the labour market," the vice PM summed up.

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