President Viktor Yanukovych has addressed the UN and UNESCO with a letter proposing to declare 2014 the International Year of Taras Shevchenko, he informed at a meeting of the Public Humanitarian Council, ForUm learned from the presidential press office.

"Certainly, we all understand that to make these highly respected organizations hear the voice of Ukraine, a large-scale promotion and lobbying campaign is needed," he said.

According to Viktor Yanukovych, the Foreign Ministry, diplomatic agencies, prominent representatives of the national elite, our friends in the world and ambassadors of the countries whose history is closely linked with Shevchenko, should help Ukraine in achieving this goal. The President thanked the Ambassadors of Russia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and Poland for their understanding of the importance for Ukraine to worthy celebrate the 200th anniversary of the poet’s birth.

The President also requested the Minister of Foreign Affairs to prepare a report on the Ministry’s plan of preparation for the celebration.

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