Annual losses from the erosion process on Ukrainian fields are 10 billion dollars, agrarian expert Oleksandr Zubenko told a roundtable in Kyiv, ForUm correspondent reports.

According to Zubenko, annual losses of humus and nutrients measure millions of tons. "Unfortunately, the problem of Ukrainian soil fertility waste has become global for the last 20 years. Land resources are in a deplorable state," Zubenko said. "This year we have to work out a system program to counteract these processes," he added.

In his turn, official of the crop science department of the National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine Oleksandr Ivashenko declared that the government must put into practice the laws on soil security. "Fields of Ukraine make 24.6% of the black soil area of the world. We need the laws, which would oblige farmers to restore damage, caused to the soil. We also need state control over the quality of meliorative works, and we need to work out methods on renovation of fertility power of the soil," he said.

Ivashenko's point of view was supported by high-ranked official of the Sokolovski Institute of soil science and agrochemistry Mykola Myroshnychenko. He told that Ukraine has all necessary laws to protect the soil, but they are not applicable. "Unfortunately, we don't have a proper order of economic promotion of fertility power increase by farmers. What we need is to hold examination of the soil when the lease term is expired. If the index of fertility is reduced the farmer will have to repair the damage," the expert said.

In his turn, official of the farming department Serhiy Bulygin voiced approximate market cost of humus - 200 dollars per a ton. "If we measure humus cost by economic showings, it will increase up to 600 dollars per a ton. One millimeter layer of soil on one hectare is one ton. Knowing that in case of fertility reduction he has to pay, a farmer would farm the land in a proper and better way," Bulygin summed up.

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