President Viktor Yanukovych believes Ukraine and Russia will soon resolve the question of cooperation between our countries in the gas sector, he told journalists in Donetsk. "Hopefully, we will soon dot all the i’s," he added, ForUm learned from the presidential press office.

"Our goal is simple – to reach the level of cooperation that would open prospects for Ukraine and Russia, and create development motivations in these relations for many years to come. And, of course, to remove the question of our European partners’ concern, who constantly worry that we could suddenly disrupt the stability of gas supplies," the President said.

Viktor Yanukovych once again stressed that Ukraine guarantees stable gas transit to Europe. "There can be absolutely no concern here. Because we have been paying for gas consistently and pumping it stably, and will continue to do so," he said.

"I think we will announce soon, how will we be developing these relations," Viktor Yanukovych said.

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