President Viktor Yanukovych considers the practice of restricting citizens’ right to receive socially important services due to lack of residential registration unacceptable, he said at today’s meeting of the Economic Reforms Committee. 

Currently, he said, without registration people cannot receive a full-fledged medical assistance, open a bank account, get a loan from the bank, or get the opportunity to be put on the waiting list for an apartment. "This brings life uncertainty and humiliates human dignity. Besides, it creates grounds for corruption, as life necessity pushes people to find ways to overcome the set limitations," Viktor Yankovych said. 

"This situation is unacceptable. So we must eliminate the dependency of socially important services on the institution of registration," Viktor Yanukovych said. 

In addition, the President added, the process of entering information into a person’s passport should become easier and specify only person’s actual location. "And the task for the Government is to prepare and submit the relevant bill to the Parliament within two weeks," he said.

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