Chief of Ukraine's State Customs Service Anatoliy Makarenko has said there was a slight increase in imports to Ukraine early in July, according to Kyiv Post.

"Under the negative influence of external factors, imports to Ukraine in the first half of 2009 fell by 50%, however, a pleasant situation appeared early in July … We saw a slight growth of imports, [and] a decline in the import of commodities to Ukraine of 48%, not 50%," he said at an full meeting of the Public Prosecutor General's office on Tuesday.

He said the economic crisis has changed the structure of imports – 81% of all imported commodities are raw materials.

"Precisely these commodities have an impact on the average level of customs value," he said.

Moreover, Makarenko pointed out to a significant decline in the number of market operators that are engaged in foreign economic activity.

He also said that in the first half of the year, Ukraine imported 32,000 passenger cars, which is almost six times down on the same period last year.

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