Trade in spirits will be prohibited for the time of school-leaving parties in Luts'k, according to the direction of the city head Bohdan Shyba, as the mayor press office reported.
Concerning school-leaving parties held in the city educational institutions and in order to minimize the risks of possible violation of public order during the celebration, on June 27 trade in strong drinks is prohibited in the stores on the streets of Lesya Ukrainka, Vynnychenko, Shopen and Volya Avenue.
Luts'k city department of the MIA administration in the Volyn region was charged to provide intensified duties of militia in public places.
The city mayor noted that since this week there will be inspections of stores regarding trade in strong drinks to youth. Those who violate the law will be made answerable for it. Besides, the city head promised that he will address to taxation departments ‘to be faultfinding to the entrepreneurs and enterprises which provided trade in strong drinks to youth”.

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