The day before the visit of the President of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine, President Viktor Yushchenko gave interview to Polish newspapers “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Nasz Dziennik”, President's press office reports.  

Main discussed subjects were bilateral relations of Ukraine and Poland, internal political situation in Ukraine, preparations to “EURO – 2012” championship, common historical moments, European and Euro Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine, visa issues regarding Poland’s joining the Schengen Agreement.

Speaking about bilateral relations between our countries President emphasized their strategic nature. According to him, we must strengthen these relations even further yet we are proud of what we has achieved.

Regarding “EURO – 2012” Viktor Yushchenko expressed his assurance that both countries would prepare best to the event. “This is no ordinary project. I have no doubts that we shall prepare and conduct it suitably,” he said.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” is expected to publish the interview on December 6 and “Nasz Dziennik” – on December 7.

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